Think again.
One can make a difference because of the One. Given our meager size and slighted intelligence, we must believe our way into effectiveness. Faith is the major key. By oneself, why bother? But we are different. We are to place ourselves within the frameworking of Jesus' body. We are not loners in a big work. We are connected to ligaments and tendons of the entire body of Jesus.
The body, by the way, is that one established after his resurrection. We are connected to all who are in him, regardless of race or creed, from the earliest death of the first believer to be extended to our connection with the body of believers in the years 2048 and 3511 should the Lord tarry. We make a difference because we link up with the power of Christ as he continues to roam the earth within us....all of us.
Therefore, one person can make a difference by placing ourselves onto the path of God's timing and empowerment. By the time God connects our efforts to other ligaments of other regions and other generations, wow! Do you think the apostles Peter and Paul, Billys Sunday and Graham, Madame Guyon, Henri Nouwen, Beth Moore, R.T. Kendall, and Max Lucado could have imagined the stretch of God in their localized efforts? The range in which we work is literally eternal---never because of us---but by of our ever-growing faith in the Spirit of Jesus.
Today I am launching another ministry from the shoreline of faith. It comes about because of the enormous amount of faithful influence I have received from believers of asundry sorts and brands. God has used them all to help me set into motion a new work which is an old idea.
See in 3E begins today. I have prayed for two years that I could have the funds to buy tools (books and tapes) which would equip preachers. Tuesday a young couple handed me a check for $1000 to begin this dream of sending such surprise gifts. Won't they be enthused?
Whether young and green or weary and lonely, preachers need to know that they are still valuable. Too many quit. Others fumble because they are off in a small place and are fed little to guide them with faith and vision.
See in 3E will boost such laborers with much needed Encourage, Energize, and Empower equipment. I will buy materials which have given me timely insights and pass them along to a list of servants. In the process I will ask these recipients to imagine ways to help their colleagues See in 3E. None of this is novel. It is just another way to accomplish Jesus' style on earth and it is perpetually needed.
I draw in the readers of this blog. If you would ever have interest in assisting the See in 3E mission of cheering preachers on, email me at with:
- Names and addresses of ministers you would like to be blessed by See in 3E. I will reach as many as I can with the funds God gives.
- If you would want you may send funds made out to the Memorial Drive Church of Christ to support this work. I will need such for books, tapes, and postage.
- Comments as to how this blog gives you an idea as to how you will start your own See in 3E ministry. I want to know.