Bias is messing with everyone these days. It's serious. It's global. It's real. Protests are here. Marches are there. Offenses are everywhere. A day doesn't go by but what someone's rights have been violated or their platform has been it seems to be reported. I have my take on this and, because it's mine, I will surely have some holes in my stance. Nevertheless, I share it with you as food for thought.
I'm saying that our daily grind is, has been, and will always breathe discrimination. This doesn't make it right, understand, but it isn't just one class (or three) of people who are being discriminated against. We each tend to register our complaints toward someone else, while living oblivious to our identical misbehavior and misdeeds in this very act against our neighbors.
If this aggravates us to have this brought to the table, it just might be that we live in a "them; not us" world.
Yes, there are racial claims and gender disturbances that have significant warrant for improved relations; tremendously and urgently so. Simultaneously, there are racial and gender rattlings that are coming from self-centered, self-seeking, selfish individuals. This goes on.
It seems to me that discrimination of inequality is rampant...just as it has always been. Beauty wins the pageants. Brains win the scholarships. Fitness wins the races. And, money makes the money. If one happens to be plain, simple, hefty, or low on funds...well, you may not win some of the above contests.
May I share with you a discrimination that I've noted? Walk into a room, any room of public gathering, and inform them that you are a minister. No, really. The firm bias can be cut with a knife. Such a one is immediately loved by a few and despised by a few....quickly....with nothing more than sheer, pure, judgmental bias. stings a bit.
Does inequality go on? Yes, very much so. And should it be corrected? Yes, quickly. But here's the rub. Those in one neglected category seem to give little thought to holding bias toward someone in another category. We are all tempted to be very guilty about this idea.
A female can be quite touchy because she notes men get the breaks at work (and she may be quite correct with this assessment), while she mocks a sister across the office for being of different color or perhaps a bit hefty in weight. Christians mock other Christians because they don't possess similar views. Executives might be guilty of pooh-poohing labor workers. Labor workers may mock a co-worker for his lack of education or even the kind of car she drives.
Discrimination seems to find no discriminating circumstances. It runs freely from the top of Prejudice Mountain down the entire landscape of humanity. Do all of these variations of individuals do all of these biased things? No. But every camp has those within who do. So what's the point?
Mankind is a mess. I lead the way. I am the least among us. Yet, it's within this mess that we can begin--perpetually strive--for improvement. The key will not be when any one group gets their act together. No. I believe it will be when each of our groups realize we've got enough about ourselves which needs vast improvement, maturing, and detailed attention. Remember that log thing of which Jesus spoke? He made a serious point.
There is a lot wrong with society. Again, there is a whole lot that is right. Regarding the wrong, we are not to bury our heads in the sand. But, wouldn't it be good if we would be in consistent mode to evaluate where progress and improvement is needed within ourselves before we march against another who has flaws in some fashion....which, it would seem, are merely quite similar to our own?