Sunday, August 20, 2017


Jesus was originally in First Place.  When he noted the condition of man, how we were losing at the game called Life, he became one of us.  The only way we could win was for him to lose; finish in last place.

Beaten to a pulp, this one noted for being in First Place, intentionally (even voluntarily) finished in Last Place.  He did this only that we could move into First Place.  He was the original winner.  Yet, due to his extreme love, he handed over his crown to place upon the hearts of mankind.

The game called Life is not to be taken for granted.  One had to suffer greatly at the hands of extremillistic ruffians that we could be declared Winners!

Live!  Breathe!  Engage!  We win because He lost!

Look like it!  Act like it!  Reach like it!

Yet, there's more...very much more.  Jesus withstood the Cross and beat the Grave at its own game.  And then he calls for volunteers to pick up similar Cross and die for our neighbors of whom will be asked to pick up their Crosses and die for their neighbors.  This game call Life finds that even defeat brings ultimate victory.

Don't get discouraged.  Don't give up on people.  Don't quit.  Victory blows the lid off of every casket!  If you think that the Fourth of July has fireworks....just wait til he returns.

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