Friday, August 19, 2022


Jesus was incredible beyond description. He could make wine out of water. Oddly, he could make a sidewalk out of water. Drink it or walk on it; the Marvel of Jesus was that he could adapt on the spur of the moment with great flexibility.
Us? Well, we don't exactly find the need to take a stroll upon a nearby lake. But we do find it meaningful to walk through rugged days coupled with difficult settings as if such a trek was smooth and lovely.
The Marvel of Jesus is that his call toward us, to us, is not one of Sunday School discussion only. It is Monday walks and Tuesday jaunts through confusing waters and woods. And yet, it is precisely upon such days and situations that one's faith has opportunity to begin to bloom.
Jesus believed in relatives....and friends....and enemies. Church isn't sitting in rows only. It is standing up and walking upon the turf of rigorous challenges because, in doing so, a message of hope supplied by Father begins to come into view.
The Marvel of Jesus....remains active as His Spirit is embedded within you and me to travel through the hard times and difficult days. In doing so we give true hope to dear ones who are nearby.
If He could make wine out of ordinary water and then a sidewalk out of ordinary water, imagine what amazing things He just might do through ordinary ones like you and me!
May! We! Live! Very! Enthused!