Thursday, February 09, 2012


A notable sports analyst with FOX Sports and the St. Louis Cardinals will be speaking at Memorial Drive on Sunday, March 4, at 10:30.

Dan McLaughlin is well-known throughout the Cardinal Nation. He has recently encountered a personal crisis with alcohol abuse. His rebound gives him intense passion to help teens and older avoid such an addictive pit.

The public is invited. Would you spread the word through Facebook, Twitter, etc. as Dan's presentation, Just Getting Started, will offer substantial inspiration to everyone who struggles with some element of their lives?

Our community is plagued by so many frustrations. Please pass the word that Sunday, March 4, will be a special day of encouragement and new life. In God each of us is always Just Getting Started.

The Memorial Drive Church of Christ is located at 747 S. Memorial. We hope you will be our guest.


John said...

This is awesome! Lots of lives are going to be touched!

Vasca said...

Wonderful event...blessings! Josh Hamilton just spoke about some pitfalls in his life and that takes courage to stand up and speak out...all about sharing and helping others.