Baseball camp is over. I will share random thoughts to a fascinating week.
- God's grace is the only thing that makes our work produce. I would talk to Him at night in the room, or on the bus, and even when playing on the field. If I awakened in the night I would pray; thanking Him for His grace. This morning I woke up and began praying for Him to do His thing in camp...and then realized I was home.
- I don't know how I can be so fortunate to get to see the weirdest and most impossible scenarios become common and possible. It is His grace....I just don't understand it.
- I realized God has used these camps from the earliest years beginning in 1984 to transform me from a control-freak fraidy-cat to a confident-in-Christ missionary.
- Teaching opportunities arose minute by minute. I've never spent such a easy time at that...telling the players about how Jesus identifies with us so perfectly. I wish you could have seen the eyes I saw as I told about him. Lights came on for some and tears formed in others.
- Here's what they want to know; how does Jesus fit from Monday to Saturday? That's what I got to tell them.
- Finally, I am the luckiest man I ever met. God has allowed me the most precious gift of seeing people and then being able to make quick connection with most. I don't know how He gets done all He gets done among us....but I know from study that God has His heart set on working among us. Our goal is to stay out of the way so that He can!