Monday, February 16, 2009


From the start on this one I want to say this is merely an idea should you be a part of a struggling small group somewhere on the planet. I've been involved with many groups; maybe six or seven various ones have met in our home over the years. I love the concept and the value of small groups.

Occasionally I hear of some which are sagging in interest or attendance or both. About three years ago I had an idea and began a new group. When we gather we do one thing; we pray. We don't sing. We don't study. We don't view a film series. And nothing is amiss with any of the aforementioned. But I wanted to see what would happen if we prayed.

At first we had a few reluctant while others would not even attend though their spouses did. They were afraid. But we patiently continued and after awhile those distancing themselves began to gather round and eventually began to pray; men and women together.

We have been so blessed. Our group is not the best one or the most important one. But praying together has become a hunger to us. We pour over the needs and both cry and laugh with joy over the fruit.

If your groups ever hits a slight snag maybe a time of simple prayer together would give it a solid boost.

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