Friday, December 21, 2007


We understand behind the scenes work. It's comprised of the thousands of volunteers who make United Way thrive, but the chairwoman gets her picture in the paper. Such work means hundreds chip in their time and effort to make the workshop live, but few (like me) get most of the attention. Participation behind the scenes fits every personality. I don't know of one person, even if they are quite visible, who does only visible labor.

The school teacher may be in front of the class, but how many hours and years did she spend in the classroom herself preparing to be such a leader? The doctor has our respect. He is in control of the situations. How much work has he put in behind the scenes to get where he is today?

"Behind the scenes" work moves about unnoticed. No glory. No fanfare. Do you realize there is a behind the scenes person working for and in you? He is the Holy Spirit of God. He goes unnoticed. He can't be touched tangibly. He rarely receives credit for your accomplishment. Yet, if it wasn't for him, you would repeatedly falter.

As the third-grader walks into the classroom, few think about who ironed her clothes, combed her hair, or fixed her breakfast. We are entrenched with the visible of the moment and move quickly to the next moment with little thought of all that went into getting one to this point in time. So it is the the Spirit of God.

Our minds are sharp, our purpose is becoming clearer in focus, and our enthusiasm for the next project lurches us forward. Yet, did we forget (again) the backing we have to get us to the present experience? Have we forgotten all the preparation which went on to get us to this point. The clean-up crew in the heavens by the blood of Jesus? The confidence replacers offered us form a most unique support system? The protective angels who shield us from millions of skillful opposing agents?

There is an enormous team forming a Behind-the-Scene system for each of us. We will do well to contemplate in quietness just how much God has going on behind the scenes to bring us one productive moment.

You...and I.....are mightily and thoroughly blessed! Live like it!


Norsemanrm said...

Outstanding post!
We are indeed blessed.
Excellent reminder and analogy my friend.
AND WOW!! Where did the new header on the blog come from?
That is way cool.

Norsemanrm said...

Sorry for a double comment but I have to tell you this.
I copied yesterdays post and took it home to show mother.
You made her cry.

Stoogelover said...

Yes, outstanding post!

Anonymous said...

Great Post - I love you new title. I just noticed it!!!
Merry Christmas,

Anonymous said...

Big fan of the new site design. HUGE fan.

Brenda said...

Wow! Fabulous new layout! I think that designer is BRILLIANT!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your blog. I am a regular reader living in South Korea.

Your words are so true-there are so many players behind the scenes of our lives.

Thinking along these lines regarding God, I am reminded of a quote by a man named Reuben Welch. He says in relation to God working in our lives--"When it seems like nothing is happening, something is happening."

I am so thankful that God is working behind the scenes in our lives. He is our hope.

Thanks again for your blog. Keep on. Merry Christmas.