Friday, June 01, 2007


While there is a lot of talk about evangelizing our communities, there is substantive walk which couples the talk. Thank you God! Therefore, I write not as if there is nothing being done; but that there is the need for higher levels of action as long as there are increasing numbers of lost souls. While we are winning 10 and 15 we are losing 10,000 and 15,000. We must continue to seek His leadership to dent such enormous and catastrophic numbers.

First, for us to tackle such a quagmire and stratosphere of need is impossible. Therefore, we must operate on the Truth that with God all things are possible. We, as hungry leaders, must identify with the Possibility God rather than the Impossibility Shrugs.

Second, we must increase in practice His clarion call for unity. If you wonder how our church division (us among us and denomination among denomination) has impacted America, take a good look at the disharmonious, bitter congress, racial tension, financial deviation, and moral decline. Our society appears as if the kingdom of God has not hit it....yet. I believe the schools and businesses and families around my locale are negatively impacted because we have arrogantly, smugly regarded ourselves as more spiritual than our religious neighbors on other corners.

Last year I went by neighboring Eastwood Baptist and met their pastor. I talked to him about this very need. He was courteous enough; but he's got the same sickness we have....he's the only one right. Recently I discovered he moved. Last week I went to see the new guy. He was out, but I want to get with him because I believe God wants us pooling our gifts rather than parading our differences. The latter hasn't worked and the former was how our movement began...the Presbyterians and the Baptists and the Pentecostals banded together to form the Restoration Movement! We are them!

Finally, we must, must, must escalate our ability to minister to children. We have two adorable part-time Children's Ministers on staff and a church which is financially and participatorily supportive. Many reading this blog have similar arrangements which brings value and life to your congregation. Still, through this process we are reaching 10 and 15 while hundreds of hungry children....yes even neglected and abused children....go unreached. We must expand our talents and skills to reach more....not by herding to count numbers, but by guiding and carefully redirecting tender souls to the Light.

Through hunger for the lost, a Possibility God, continued efforts to unify, and focus on the children at every turn, I believe we will even more effectively reach our depressed communities with hope and love and light!


Stoogelover said...

And with that said, there is a huge need to just do it! But it's oh so much easier to fuss and fume and act sanctimonious rather than sacred. You are so right, Terry.

Terry Rush said...


Sanctimonious? I'm wondering for the Church of Christ if that would be "auditoriumonious"!

Oh, I just had to say it!

Liz Moore said...

Amen! Have a great weekend!

TD said...

I am always humbled by reading your blog daily. Thank you for allowing us to see your thoughts and think about our own. TD

Also pictures of KT and Jimmy are on my blog!

Jim Martin said...

Terry-- a very encouraging post. Thank you for this challenge.

Matt said...

In Jesus' lengthy prayer toward the end of John he mentions that the world will know Him because of our unity. And we wonder why the world fails to understand Christ. I blogged about this some time back ( and I really appreciate your insights.