Sunday, June 03, 2007


So many Americans are bored. They feel they have nothing to live for. Such a sad fact has made its way into the church. I've been there. I register with such feelings. However, we must awaken to His wonder! If we can know the cause we might find the cure.

Awaken? Why are some asleep while they walk among the various and many paths of dailiness? Consider Jesus. He lived such LIFE because he was forever connecting with the oppressed. Association with the poor was his LIFE. He had a vision of giving himself away and knew the direction it would take to succeed.

We mask the failure to care for others with substitutes. Consumption and complaint and greed and bitterness rage throughout our systems as we neglect the underprivileged. We compare ourselves to those who have it better than us so that such a comparison will justify our blatant neglect. Misery, boredom, and resentment fill such days.

Awaken to the Wonder of God. Give your money to the poor. Go out of your busy schedule to attend to the need of one who cannot earn your merciful attention. See the pain in your friend's eyes as she says she is fine and embrace her with follow-ups of, Do you need to sit over here and talk?

Our course of action should be full of eager attention as there are so many who need encouragement. Take a bouquet of flowers to your school secretary, deliver coffee and a candy bar to a janitor, send a note to a lonely soul, or phone a neighbor you've needed to check on. Fill your life with Jesus-moments. Offer that God-filling to the dark and weary souls who abundantly surround our paths. Life cannot be dull when we dare touch the sometimes dirty and clammy hands of one who lives day after day receiving no love.

Life is not dull. It is on the brink of greater than excitement can measure. Touch your world!


Jim Martin said...


I like this post! I love what you say regarding "Awaken to the wonder of God."

This sentence is important: "See the pain in your friend's eyes as she says she is fine and embrace her with follow-ups of, Do you need to sit over here and talk?"

Some people cry out for encouragement and it is very obvious. Others send a mixed message. ("I'm fine"--while their eyes and facial expressions say otherwise)

Thanks for a great reminder.

preacherman said...

Never..God has given us life abundant. Life, than all we can ever ask or imagaine. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice, and be glad, in it!