Tuesday, January 20, 2015


The religiously bent have a challenge; a very big one.  We are called to follow the Spirit of God.  This is not a suggestion from heaven.  It is the core response of a following humanity toward a leading Creator; be led by the Holy Spirit.

Even for those steeped in the theological course, this is no easy task.

The reason following God seems difficult is that once man reaches for a territory or characteristic beyond the norm--and get there--we try to preserve our arrival for the rest of our days.  Following God is journey.  Once climbing a mountain in God's kingdom, we will find that there are more peaks awaiting.

Younger generational mankind seems to have a drive of exploration.  As the younger age, exploration shifts to preservation; an adamant one at that.  Because God is big (immeasurable) and because man is small (measurable), we must consistently strive to quench our efforts to make a kingdom take-over.  To yield and submit to Him will be our call in every age we experience.

Following the Spirit of God is life-giving.  It is risky, unsettling, and wild.  These factors pose threat because we like being in control; running our own show.  The kingdom of God will not work that way for any.  To follow His Spirit will of necessity mean we must shift often in direction and mission.

Man tends to not do this well.  However, when we can make the transition, there is nothing like it.  I encourage you to live daringly on the edge of God's wonder.  It may scare you.  It most likely will take your breath away.  But it will lead you to a Promise Land of life experience you would have deemed likely impossible.

Our God is not tired in His creativity.  Neither is He out of ideas.  It is up to man to yield.  It is up to us to say to God, Show me what you are thinking for who I am and where I live.  You will enter into an entirely new kind of life...now.

Blessings as you search.

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