Saturday, December 27, 2014


Feeling sorry for myself was once a rule-of-thumb for my daily life.  Pouting.  Not speaking when with others.  Embellishing negative words said to me to make their sarcasm even worse.  I was a mental attitudinal mess.  Sorry to say so; but I was.

But I learned a wonderful secret from God.  It changed my life and might encourage some of you.  His great and second commands to love God with all of our hearts and then to love others the way we attend to ourselves are powerful breakthroughs for the sad heart.

I read a few posts here and there that are about how badly I am doing.  Because I walked that road for so many years, I pick up on the lingo.  And, I have immediate sympathy.  Too, I know immediate solutions.

Love God and love others.

Life isn't about us.  It is all about God and others.  What we plant, we reap.  God will see to it that we have adequate encouragement if such is what we choose to plant. Encouragement is a choice and a tactic; not a coincidence.

Try not to get depression mixed up with humility.  Humility knows we are on the low rung of people-hood.  Yet, this isn't discouraging when we are wired to send love out rather than calculate whether it is coming in.

The way to break the bondage of self-pity is to quit measuring how self is being treated.  Only a few out of maybe a hundred spend their lives wasting away in the chasm of no one notices me.  But these can work their way into the luxury of being loved by others is this is what they would choose to plant.

To whine around and talk about how down we are is one of the most miserable positions of life.  And, it's completely unnecessary.  When we focus upon the glory of God and the value of others, there is so much wonder to fill our attitudes and our conversations.

I don't mean to be getting on any one's case.  I'm sympathetic to this bondage that tends to lead us by the nose.  But, from personal experience, my advice is to STOP IT.

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