Shallow? Yes. Granted we have a problem in churches. However, does it not occur to the yeller that the reason we are in the church in the first place is because we could not get our obsessions and addictions under control and we need an Assistant and Savior to help get us through? We are not in church because we are good. We are in the church because we were totally lost.
Lost. Get it? Not arrogant. Not haughty. Not better than. Very lost.
Yes. Churches are comprised of the decent who know one thing for certain. The Bible pegs us as indecent. It insists we are unrighteous. Dear yeller, the negative comments you make about us, we really get. We deserve your smugness. But please don't miss the point. You need what we needed and have gotten.
Yelling the charge of hypocrite is hypocrisy at its fullest. We know we fail. We know we look foolish. We understand your frustration with us. We wish we were better. How very much our desire is to function ideally. But...we are not ideal. We are a mess and our good news is that Jesus died for the messes of this world.
I don't blame you for the temptation to yell, Hypocrite! When we are Pharisaic in our behavior, we deserve it. When you deem us acting as if we are superior, we've got your charge coming. I must not deny this truth. But please....please don't excuse yourself from approaching your Creator because you feel driven to parade your own attitude in conceited condescension. This is just more social arrogance.
We churchers feel frustrated about ourselves. We wish we were better than we are. We are never good enough. Not one time. We hear what you say about us and we agree. It's just that we wish you would help us. While you are also sinful beyond repair unless Jesus redeems you, you have traits of goodness that would give us a huge boost.
Maybe one day you could maybe back off of your pride in yelling, Hypocrite? Maybe you could realize we know we aren't much; yet we believe in the One who is everything? Maybe...just could back off of your obsession of accusing us to be useless.
This world is dying in very slow pain. We cry with those in hospice. We hold the hands of the mommas whose sons and daughters are sentenced. We weep with the family and friends who stand in shock at the grave. We could use help.
I was just wondering if you might want to become a voice of inspiration. It is easy to bark at parked cars. Our culture is full of barkers and yellers. I was once one myself. To my own surprise I joined the ranks of the listeners who minister to the hurting.
I was thinking maybe you might want to join us. You would be an incredible help to the very discouraged, inadequate, and lonely. That's what churches are trying to do. To note our lack is...well...behind the curve. We are fully aware of our deficiency. Loving God and loving one another is still our goal.