Sunday, October 26, 2014


We must be ever so on guard that we don't form mistaken conclusions because of the crowd mentality.  The crowd called for Jesus to be crucified.  They were caught up in...well in caught up-ness.  But they were not being lead by individual conviction of truth.

Reality has a way of being blurred by bias.

These calling for Jesus' death had that herd mentality of moving with the group for it all seemed to be so right.  They were caught up in the moment; but not from knowing accurately the truth of the matter.  Hot under the collar...they all were driven to extreme measures.

One of the truths Jesus would teach us is to stand for what's right which will very often find each of us alone.  Contagion of irritation by a herd of people does not reveal the truth.  We must be aware of this.

Even as the church-herd moves about the landscape, we must constantly ask ourselves if we do what we do because God calls for such.  Or, are we playing into the hands of the church-crowd philosophy?

Be strong and courageous was not just a phrase out of Joshua's past.  It is to be within our hearts; even when we feel quite alone in our convictions.

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