Wednesday, July 02, 2014


There has been hesitation on my part to post this one.  My concern is that I would be venturing out into the area the Word warns against; that of offering ignorant speculation.  However, I have such a perpetual and strong sense for the following that I dare go ahead and make a statement.  There will be effort to speak with care.

Turbulence is mounting in the mid-East.  Boundaries are being re-defined as warring parties push and pull.  Borders are blurred and fright fills the homes of the innocent. The simplicity of family and business life is being pounded by bullies with heavy-hitting artillery.  For thousands this has to be a never-ending nightmare.

We can no longer believe that 9/11 is now serving as a mere memory marker. Rather, it could be the introduction to the possibility of a potentially larger chaos. Having been struck once on our turf was, indeed, hard for America to swallow.

I believe more is coming and it may not be restricted to one location; but many, simultaneously.

Should such happen, just as church houses were packed with voluntary prayer groups during the week following 9/11, we can count once again on intensified leanings toward the spiritual.  As sturdy believers, we must imagine massive disruption to things like our water supplies and/or our communication abilities.  In addition, we must practice calm confidence in the Spirit of God regardless of what is thrown our way.

Does anyone recall two of God's servants who were imprisoned?  And they were singing?

We know agony by watching Jesus.  We have a leader who hung upon the brutal cross.  He did not flinch.  He endured to the end that as he hung upon the tree we might, in the future, hang upon his words.

Review Philippians 4:4-9.  Note the traits that are to be ours.  Especially note the call to practice these things.  Preparation for the possible shaking of America will not come about in places to hide; but in practices.  Practice thinking about the lovely and the excellent.  Practice thinking about the hope and the joy.

Truly, I don't mean to be a nay-sayer of doom and gloom.  Rather, I intend to be one voice among many that would call attention to serious threats to where and how we live.  We cannot pretend that war is for all soils but ours.  Neither can we afford to live in denial that extremists are global.

What we can do is concentrate on transferring our Sunday school discussions into actual fearless conduct.  May we be a people inclined to pay attention to the fervent life of the Spirit of God.  Furthermore, may we conclude that our assuring hope is found in the Son of God who gives us life abundant...regardless of circumstances.

Intimidation is wasted breath when cast toward followers of the one who defied the confines of a cold dark tomb.  Fear is to fade.  Faith is to arise.  Let our hearts be on fire in gratitude for our Living God.

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