Saturday, November 16, 2013


Life is a maze of paradoxes.  We get what we don't want; yet there are times we do want but can't obtain. We attain only to sometimes lose.  We live targeting death and we die to ourselves that ourselves might really live.

Need you more?

Throughout the Bible we can find God's players on stage who are being confronted with gasping threat; yet they seem to glide through the challenges.  Daniel in the lion's den, Esther before the king, and of course Jesus under duress in the Garden.  They each made it!

In Philippians 4, Paul mentions his ability to be content.  But contentment cannot be taken as that he no longer gives a hoot for he's out of ambition.  No, take a look at the previous chapter where he references the fact that while he hasn't arrived, he is pressing on.

Content; yet ambitiously mobile.

The peace in our walk is based upon the maze of paradoxes before us; not sure how things will go because we are so clueless and yet certain God will deliver.  Jesus was at peace on the Cross because he knew for certain the unexplainable would surely happen because Father wouldn't end His story with that's all folks.

Note this; pain was severe upon the Cross but worry was nowhere to be found.

I like how John Eldredge put it, The more comfortable we are with mystery in our journey, the more rest we will know along the way.

Tension so often arises in our hearts because we can't calculate the necessary maneuvers to pass through the maze of these many confusionalistic routes.  Yet, there is always the mystery of God.  Our job is to relax and let God be God.

It is a weird experience; at least a surprise to me.  I was a hyper one doubled up with insecurity.  I need to fix things or know who to call to get the job done.  That won't work in the church.  There are no experts; only a Savior.

When we grasp the continued presence of mystery (that God knows how to deal with our dilemmas as well as our dreams), we can rest....assured.

Psalm 46:10.

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