Monday, October 07, 2013


 Life...authentic life...with God is just plain strange.

Odder yet, we spend much of our time converting the strange into normal.  Rather than me becoming like God, I labor to get God to become more like me.

One of the more bizarre truths that God approaches man with is that we are called to be saved.

That seems simple enough.  Yet, included within that summons is that we return to a lost condition.  Does anyone recall Jesus insisting his followers are to lose their lives that they may find them?

In losing our saved lives that others may find life, we regain it again.  The kingdom is a consistent two-sided coin.  We are saved from being lost on the condition we will lose our new life that those lost may find new life.  As Peter Sellers would say in his inspector voice, That's velly strenge.  Yes, velly strenge indeed.

The church is blessed by those who have been won when they, in turn, lose their new lives that others can be reached.  The church is hindered when any are won who will not give their lives away for others.

We begin as a lost people who find ourselves saved by the blood of Jesus.  We are given definition and meaning when we are to return the favor by taking up our crosses and losing ourselves in the elaborate saving scheme of God as He reaches to others through us.

We are saved to become lost....that's sorta weird....but don't forget the plan.

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