Monday, September 09, 2013


When one becomes fatigued, it is both a threat as well as hindrance to try to keep moving forward.  Should the weariness continue even danger may lurk.

Within the church borders familiarity can cause a slumber to develop.  Similar danger is poised.

We must awaken!

Routine and tradition can become so normal that we can walk the walk and talk the talk in our sleep....without even thinking about where we are going, what we are saying, or what we are doing.

The danger?

We grow numb to the Wonder of it all!

Wake up!

Smell more than the coffee and the roses.  Realize.  Realize the thrill of eyes that see color and ears which hear pitch.  Celebrate the steadiness of friends and the purpose of living.

Don't dare go through your marvelous day without telling God a hearty thank you for letting you get to be you!

We are miracles living in the land of miracles.  Think like it, act like it, and smile like it!

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