Sunday, February 03, 2013


Church is not for wimps.

The social church image is not one of courage, bravery, and impact.  Rather, overall, it is regarded as weak; endured by communities much larger than the church numbers.  There is a reason for such a stale perspective from coast to coast and border to border. 

We are empty of heart.  I don't mean all Christians nor all congregations fit such a quick label.  I do mean to say that far too many of every tribe have hunkered down for safety and comfort; eyes fixed on attendance numbers and keeping the light bill paid.  These have only slight regard for those who have yet to be introduced to Jesus, the cross, and the emptied grave.

Something has caused epidemic indifference.  It could be called orthodoxy; doing things the way we have always done them without thought.

Charles Colson wrote, We have, to an alarming degree, become victims of our own mindless conformity--self-absorbed, indifferent, empty of heart, the "hollow men" that T. S. Elliot wrote about in the early part of the century.  Yes, orthodoxy has become unconsciousness; nihilism is the spirit of this spiritless age.

Yes, there are many great and exciting things going on in Kingdom Life.  Progress is enjoyed on several fronts.  Yet, I am highly concerned for the multitude who walk away from us; for while in our midst they did not encounter spirited believers who were wild in heart; but were content as long as satisfaction of "the way we do things in church" was fulfilled.

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