Friday, February 22, 2013


Life is about two things: loving God and loving others.  In occupation, in home, in leisure, life is to be built upon Jesus in those two specific zones.

That, however, isn't how it started for me.  My walk could be charted as:
  • I could care less about church.  It was b-o-r-i-n-g.
  • Then I began to believe in heaven and hell.  I felt that if I would go to church I wouldn't go to hell.
  • Next I found that there was a right church and many wrong churches and this gave me new ambition.
  • Afterward, I learned that there were just as many glares among us as we had declared upon others.
  • Finally, at this point in my walk, I am discovering the enormous need for all to give God glory.
In ministry, in outreach, in worship, and in study, life is about God being glorified.  Too many across the broad range of Christian concepts plop themselves down upon padded pews to judge the hour's program. 

Thumbs up?  Thumbs down?

Yet Jesus didn't construct a court of judgment.  He is building a church that would give Father attentive glory.  This has been a shock to my rant and rave belief system that I brought into the pulpit 38 years ago.  I'm not the big-shot I had both wished and assumed.  I'm not in the picture; God and others are.

God is the glory of the world.  Our prayer-life and our faith-walk should reflect our passion for knowing God....and seeing that others get to know Him.

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