Tuesday, August 07, 2012


Today feels like a regular day to most of us.  We will flit about coffeeing here and picking up a prescription there.  At times we may even find moments of annoyance due to demanding schedules, interrupting people, or both.

Yet, may I remind you that the magnitude of suffering in our midst is suffocatingly enormous?  Eleven year old Maddie stood beside her dad three weeks ago at Best Buy while an errant bullet struck and killed him.  Today she roams her house at times in such habit she forgets her daddy is truly gone.

Young Patrick fights for continued life as disease imposes.  Facing round after round of chemo, the question of which side-effects (and how many) hover.  TeamPatrick presses and pushes against the darkness with words of hope and hearts of courage. 

Other's hopes have been slaughtered because their son/husband/father is being shipped home from Afghanistan in a crate.  These walk about with no feelings in their legs or their words.  They are completely ravaged of clarity.  Fog blurs all phone calls and conversations at the dinner table.

Lest we forget, I offer a gentle reminder that while we do feel pressed about all in front of us today, others are in such deep pain they wonder how we can go through these motions and not notice their world has impossibly cratered.  Their main effort today is to try to breathe. 

These would give anything if they could just have a normal and somewhat bothersome day such as you and I face.

So celebrate the routine; your standard, your customary, your normal.  Others would join in if they could find their hearts again.

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