Friday, August 26, 2011


I think inferiority is public enemy #1. It is a terrorist unorganization that can adapt a bad mood and a pouty complex to any circumstance. Inferiority is superior in its unbearable tactics and its relentless warfare.

I know. Inferiority spelled another way is t-e-r-r-y.

Would it be all right if I told you God has helped me come a long way? You won't make me feel inferior for saying so, will you?

God has really helped me. I write about it should it help someone you know.

To combat my struggles a leader would say to me something like, Well, remember Terry, we all put our pants on one leg at a time. Wow! That was a truth which offered no help!

Here are some thoughts which did introduce me to a new kind of life:

  1. Every person has superior qualities and inferior ones; no exception. I have lots of company.

  2. Every person from celebrity to homeless has inferior feelings about themselves; I didn't draw the short straw.

  3. I am adequate; but only because God's Spirit in me makes me such....II Cor. 3:4-5.

  4. God can make something of a nothing person....Rom. 4:17.

  5. My job is to stand by and watch for God and His work....Ex. 14:13-14.

  6. My trust is to be that I can be still knowing He is God....Ps. 46:10.

  7. The apostle Paul was a nobody and yet God used him....II Cor. 12:9-11.

  8. Life doesn't always have to be moving and shaking to be meaningful...Acts 1:4.

  9. Self-consciousness is an unnecessary dis-ease due to an assumption that life revolves around me. It doesn't.

Inferiority is a killer. It develops unwritten laws and inner secret codes for ultimate satisfaction of always being something else...something else that I'm not.

Superiority isn't its antonym. Peace is. Joy is. Gratitude is.

Because of God, I have learned to like being me. Of course there are many things about me I would redesign; still, God lets me be the luckiest man I ever met!

The whole of the good life is due to Jesus and from Jesus and through Jesus. It does not depend upon my self-image that I spent so many years grooming in order to look good in front of others.

It is a relief to know that no one is impressed with me. My job is to let the Holy Spirit rent out my body that I might be one more from whom He could work.

So what should we do with vicious inferiority? Show it the door!

Life........may we walk in its fullness!


Brian's Bibilcial Minute said...

Perfect post for me, today!

For me, it is the "experts in the Church of Christ law" that makes me feel inferior!

Thanks for the post, Terry! You're the best!

Christi Bloomer said...

Even though this is late, I needed to hear this today. Love how you always know how to speak to us!