Thursday, January 14, 2010


How much more can I possibly want? This has gone on for years; if I just had that one thing, I would be set. But then another and another and finally so many anothers has accumulated to quite a collection of "more things". I'm storing some really good stuff in the garage attic and a storage barn. It's great stuff.....crowded out by greater stuff.

I made a tough decision last night. Recently I bought at an online auction two plaques awarded to my dear hero and friend Curt Flood. Lately, I have been bidding on his glove. I've been around that glove many times. I really wanted it because.....I really wanted it. I needed it.

I bid up to $267. It is worth much more on the memorabilia market. But if I got it I wouldn't sell it. While the bid was wrapping last night, news from Haiti was showing. That's not a good thing for a consumption addict to see.....yet it is the best thing.

I let the glove go. I really think I could have benefited from owning that glove. It sold for $584. But.....a man can't own everything.

From the clearly deep devastation in Haiti and inside many of the walls up and down my street, I must continually increase in giving my dollars away rather than spending them on more stuff I need.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Agree. Especially the walls up and down my street.