Friday, August 07, 2009


Wanting everyone to like me has been a major hurdle for me. Pleasing people is not the call of the Lord. It is the call of personalities like me. Therefore maneuvering through such conflict...and believe me there is conflict...demands a bit of direction.

First, with such a personality one has to be ever-so-careful to not imagine some think things they simply aren't thinking. Immediately you can see this is certainly a sticky wicket.

So what do you do with those personalities who just don't like you. If you are in ministry this sort is present. Here's what I think you do; learn to not care. If they like you fine. If they don't fine; move on. What's your job? Love everyone....including your enemies. Your job is to love everyone. If they choose to not like you this isn't your responsibility. Neither is it your job description. Let them not like you.

Jesus would possibly call this a knocking the dust off of your feet. Move on. I've got some around me that regardless of how much I try, I can't gain their approval. The greater effort I made the less they respected me for my assertiveness. I quit trying. I quit. If they want to like me, fine. If not, fine.

My value is not found in others' assessment. It is found in God's. This writing might cause consternation with some. But I needed to reach a point I quit obsessing with seeing that everyone approved of me. I think Jesus addressed this as well.

So if you are one of those who can't seem to shift into the high gear, possibly you are still living in Jr. High style wishing everyone loved you. They don't and they won't. Your role is to love those who love you and love those who don't.....and move on. This was most unnatural for me to learn. It took practice. Everyone I know is valuable. But not everyone I know finds me to fit their mold. So...I just don't fit.

May God be glorified as we move forward without being gripped by the disapprovers. There is far too much need in the world to be shut down by a tiny few who can't get happy.

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