Sunday, August 23, 2009


The power of encouragement....who can estimate it? Virginia Cameron handed me a cassette from Garnett (Marvin Phillips speaking) last Wednesday evening. It is dated May 5, year to the month before I accepted the work at Memorial Drive. When Marvin said what he did....and it is certainly gracious and full of encouragement....neither of us knew what was in the works to be revealed one year later.

I hope you don't mind if I share this with you. I remember it very well.....of course. I'm delighted as well as amazed it has shown up at this late date.

Should you wonder why I am obsessed with encouraging is because I have benefited from so much coming my way.

Cheer someone on today. It makes a powerful difference....for good.


Brian's Bibilcial Minute said...


As Marvin said, "don't forget his name...." You, my friend have been a God send. I am so glad God chose you to be used by Him in my life time. You have inspired me to be more than I ever dreamed possible. Thank you for saying YES to Jesus!

DarrelM said...

So it is Marvin's fault. I always wondered, now I know!!

Norsemanrm said...

Encouragement is powerful indeed. And you should know.
Not only because you are the recipient of it as you have pointed out in this blog.
But also because you, my friend, are a MASTER of it yourself.
When I think of you, I am often reminded of a quiet giant in the Bible. His name was Joseph but we are more familiar with him through the name he was given because of what he evidently brought to the lives of those who crossed his path. We are more familiar with him by the name…..Barnabas…Son of Encouragement.
Friend, you are the Barnabas of this day and age.
You bless us with your blog and with your life and outlook on Kingdom wonder.
Thanks for being you Terry (Barnabas) Rush.