Monday, August 24, 2009


The matter of raising teens is always a front-burner topic. I would say to all parents that your kids' teen years will be your favorite. No one told me that ahead of time. Yet, it is what we experienced with our three.

There was a parental rule we had with our three. As are all teens, each of these three were different in personality make-up. Not all systems worked at all times for any of the three. But what I'm about to share with you did because I said so....I was the dad.

I had noticed over the years that the church's high school students began to diminish in number in both attendance and activity involvement during their Junior and Senior years. I noted that the decline correlated with obtaining driver's licenses.

Now, I wanted my kids to work. It was important to me that they learn to work in jobs they wouldn't like, with people they don't care for, and under managers who are unfair. So, each will go to work.

And....we had a rule: your employment will not ever be on Wednesday night, Sunday morning or on any Saturday there is a youth event. Dream world? No....real world. I wanted them to be in on significant spiritual development which included employment....but not employment which would disconnect their relationship with God and the church.

Now, all of that was for the Rush household. It may never work for you. But I have the feeling there are some reading this who don't even have children that will one day find today's blog useful.

God bless as you raise your kids the best you know how. I'll tell you again, I think the best years are the teen ones.

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