Monday, May 04, 2009


Man is broken badly. We tend to not think so of all; just of some, maybe of only a few. The bad news is all. The good news is Jesus.

Man took a terrible hit in the Garden. It's ugly scene bears indelible and incredible fruit. As a result, men and women act weirdly and do stupid sinful stuff. The plague isn't a recent phenomena nor is it about to fade out. The consequences are serious, sobering, and scandalous in scope. Probably the greater portion of scandal is the nerve any would have to believe he or she is immune to the Fall and has borne the world of humanity rather respectably.

We haven't.

People. Ah, if it weren't for people society would be bearable; perhaps even fun. But everywhere we turn we are there. We place age old habits into our modern-day wineskins still splitting relationships right down the proverbial middle.

One of the cures for mankind's ailment would be to realize, admit, and confess that we are all alike. When we adhere to the fact that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" is not a momentary stumble; but rather a huge separation from godly ideology, maybe we would be more inclined to join in the congregational grasp for the hope in the name of Jesus.

We aren't comprised of the haves and the havenots. All are the havenots. Jesus is the Have. The unraveling of men's hearts has been passed along for so many generations, who can sort through the massive maze of complete injury and ruin? Only One knows how to put back together such a ruined Humpty Dumpty. It would be the one who has. That would be Jesus.

Jesus can put us back together again. And....we will work hard to let him.....John 6:29.

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