Thursday, April 30, 2009


Uh-oh. A couple of developments at Pepperdine are causing me concern; well, disappointment.

You all know I have been relishing the idea of receiving my honorary doctorate. Mom would be so proud. However, Darryl Tippens informed me he is out of town...London. You can guess what this means. No need for me to dress up big for my surprise doctorate as the Presentor is absent. Bad break #1. know how it is when you are asked to speak at a prestigious event. First, you are elated and brag about it to friends, family, and may even stop by a local bus stop to inform those waiting. Next though, dreaded fear rushes through as you wonder.......who is speaking opposite you at the same time? Walling? Atchley? Lucado?

Well, I have the ultimate opponent facing me. It's worse than Harris. I speak at 9:00 at night. My opponent? Pie and coffee. At the conclusion of Tuesday and Wednesday evening keynotes, Jerry Rushford will step up to the mic and say these words; Folks, haven't we had a wonderful evening? The good news it isn't over yet. You are in California you know. We'll take 30 minutes and then you have a choice of ZOE's best with Mike Cope, Jeff Walling's drama guild, Randy Harris' slide show of family vacations when he was in grade school, Max Lucado signing personalized books, pie and coffee...and, oh yeah, Terry Rush will be speaking to three of you. Would you raise your hands---three of you---if you'd be willing to go hear Terry?

Bad break #2.

Somebody's got to do it. So hey, bring by an old book written by anyone...or even a magazine you like. I'll sign it. Better yet, I'll autograph your pie.


Brenda said...

Hummm, do you think they would notice if you followed everyone that is going to get pie, and just start speaking there? ;o)You could just tell them there was a mix up in locatins and you were scheduled to speak while they enjoyed desert! Ha!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for your memoir.

You have a way with words.

tim rush said...

I was just laughing with Kim about you going up against pie when it struck me that 9:00 Pepperdine time is 11:00 your time. That's a whole two hours after your bed time!

A. I. said...
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A. I. said...

It just figures...doen't it? You get your chance against "pie and coffee." I got mine at Tulsa against the "Blizzard of 2009." God has a sense of humor...but the ones who showed up were the ones who needed to be there. My wife reminded me of that.



Linda L said...

Who needs pie when they can hear you??? I think pie is very over-rated!