Sunday, April 26, 2009


Complexities loom large in this era. Little seems as simple as it once was. Rules and laws seem to grow. Ask the IRS how many pages it takes to explain their code. Over 9000 I believe it is.

Families encounter a great deal of stress these days. There is a simple solution to many of the problems; three words really.....I am wrong. Those are a tough three words for some. Impossible for others.

When one can't admit as to being wrong, a hazardous trail develops. Relationships fray. Misunderstanding escalates. And homes disintegrate.....all because one in the herd could not say the words I am wrong.

Blame then becomes the next unhealthy route. Then it will always be someone else's fault due to what someone else did/said/didn't do/didn't say. Anything will do as long as one doesn't have to say the dreaded three-worded sentence.

A lot of families would heal if grown men and women could begin to repeat the phrases like I am wrong and I am sorry. The trouble with this thought is when any reading this can see how effective this would be if the "other" would just say those words.

Roman 2:1-5 won't let any of us escape. When at odds with another self-judgment is the best place to start. For several years in the church I felt others were to blame for our ills. I was half right. They were.....but so was I. Strange. It hadn't occurred to me I might also be a part of the problem. I was a great blamer. I was an equal pouter.

But I was found being as weak and as mistaken as I thought others were. I began to notice the glory of God right where I was planted when I began to be appreciative for His mercy toward me in my incredible weaknesses.


Anonymous said...

YOU are very right! It too is compounded when parts of the family devide up into a "We're a united front, and choose a side" Any way you play that tune it's wrong.

Terry Rush said...

Like I said, it is always the "other's" fault. You make my point.

Brenda said...

Or 3 other words:
Pray with Me
Pray for Me
Stop! Let's pray!

Anonymous said...

Brenda much of the time in situations like Terry brings up we forget God in all of the excitement and name calling. Your words are wise!!
Roy Coffman