Saturday, April 11, 2009


When you take communion next, consider the following:
  • As you break the bread remember how religion broke Jesus.
  • If he would have chosen to remain whole we would have no one to save us.
  • He is the bread of life.
  • We are called to follow in his steps.
  • We each have him in our system because he was broken down into Spirit form.
  • His body was crushed like grapes.
  • In following him, we cannot be effective unless we yield to being treated as bread and grapes; picked apart and crushed.
  • Much of religion is for the followers of man-rules.
  • Christianity is for the followers of the Suffering Servant.

The standard for world evangelism is formulated through communion. Broken and squeezed of our own recognition, we are to be willingingly/voluntarily torn apart with the hope others will remember our God as they dismantle us through criticism, avoidance, and painful judgment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent thoughts. I reminded my congregants during the easter sermon of what Jesus had prayed for just prior to his death--that they all might be united.

All of us, no matter how different we think and are, seem to have no problem COMMUNING during the supper. Would that we could commune so peacefully and in unity at all other times.