Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Motivation is lightning to me. I draw to people and places and events which inspire. Such is the nature of the Holy Spirit (inspiring) and our spirits super-naturally draw there. Does not Hebrews 10:24-25 call us to assemble to motivate? Such is the gathering purpose.

What motivates our churches? Our leaders? I wouldn't know how many variations could be listed. Bunches.

The thing that keeps me on my toes of anticipation in the kingdom is the fact that God can create something out of nothing and give life to the dead....Romans 4:17. And exactly what is it that God says triggers this? Faith. Miracles? No. Plain, common, ordinary, Bible faith.

I am motivated because God can; He can do anything. He can create something that isn't yet and He can cause dead things to come to life. Ever worked with a dead church? He can make it live. The fact it might be dead isn't the final straw. That He can't find anyone to believe He could make it live is the problem.

And, He can make something out of nothing. He can make mission support out of no hope. He can make new members out of no publicity to draw. He can connect with neighbors and nations when we can't explain how. It is all mystery; unexplainable, immeasurable mystery.

What keeps me motivated? God's talent within Himself; I don't need to possess it. I just need to believe He has it. Yet, my idea only touches the hem of the garment.

What motivates you about the work of the church? Yours might be what would give another reader hope.


Unknown said...

For me it begins with God's grace toward me and my family. God is a servant, and it motivates me to serve. But it also motivates me to see how he is working in the lives of those at the edges of faith or who are growing in faith. Yesterday I: spent an hour with a young college student who is on a team set to plant a church in New England after graduation and heard his kingdom dreams; waved hello and spoke to a young Japanese woman I baptized this past Friday; called a man I have a Bible study with tonight who came to church this past Sunday and brought his wife for the first time, along with their three kids.

God is working in all of their lives. He has the power. Sometimes I get to be a small part of something bigger he is doing, and that motivates me and can make up for any number of discouragements in ministry.

drjimwhite said...

What motivates me is the change I see in people. People who were once bitter, angry, obstinate, and judgemental can become sweet, caring, insightful, and full of grace. We've had two incidents of teenagers dying in our congregation. One was murdered, the other killed in that tornado at the scout camp. I wish you could see the change that has come in both of these ladies even in spite of horrific, tragic events. In those two ladies I have seen Romans 8:28 work out in such a beautiful way. God is truly at work even in the storm.