Tuesday, February 10, 2009


What is meant as spiritual? Why do we reference the process of following God as spirituality? Why is it we regard living and working with Him as a spiritual experience? I think it is because we connect with God in our minds.

Our minds are the base from which spiritual living is exercised. Do not be conformed to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…Paul wrote in Romans 12.

How many times my mind has hosted the tennis tournament of spiritual warfare. How many times have I had to talk myself into life or out of defeat. For me the spiritual life is a constant tournament of excellent thinking. Perception and vision are two key coaches I want on my side.

Ministry and momentum’s success depends upon the willingness to venture into the spirituality of using the mind for fruitful kingdom harvest. He said He would do more than our minds could imagine….Eph. 3:20.

I can misread and misreact all of which will send the mind a-whirring in a downward spiral. Or, I can believe and hope which will cause my ascension into effective work. Spirituality lives in the recesses of our thought-files. The mind; it links to/draws from the Spirit forming spirituality.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I believe that the spirit is what you make it. For me...it is God. For others, it is something made of man that gives them a sense of inner peace. Again, for me...it's God! ;o)

Eph 3:20 has been stuck in my head all day so it's amazing to come here tonight and read this. What an amazing God that we serve.

Success of anything is our willingness to give God our "first fruits" It is then He will do great things with our harvest.
My harvest grows and dies and grows and dies and it has come time for it to go through death and resurrection for me again. What a painful process but with this...God brings great things to us in the field that I will work for the glory of His name.

God is producing a harvest in me. In you. In all of us. Drawing close to Him and drawing from the Spirit gives us such a deep sense of spirituality.

Great stuff!