Sunday, February 08, 2009


I was scanning a brotherhood paper early this morning. A statement was made I find profound. After railing against the leadership of Churches of Christ (belittling "change") the author pointed out that most of America's universities began as Christian schools (Harvard, etc.); yet declined in such emphasis due to being infiltrated "by German antisupernatural rationalism".

That is a stunning statement. I would imagine his research and evaluation is fairly accurate. But has he not noticed that Churches of Christ are declining because of American antisupernatural rationalism? Is he not aware that the very change he fights is a change for supernaturalism to be allowed among us? Is he oblivious to his promoting of the very element in our churches that he criticizes about the universities?

How can there ever be a venue for supernaturalism when the Holy Spirit is told to stay out? Such a move forces us into rationalism and such will always lead to......stagnation/no change.


preacherman said...

I totally believe that RM especially church of Christ has put the Holy Spirit in and box and limited what the Holy Spirit can and cannot do. It is my hope and prayer that we over the year to come will see the supernatural power of what the Holy Spirit can and will do in our lives, churches and ministries when we allow it to do all it can.

Anonymous said...

I know of that paper. Brotherhood is not a word I'd use to describe its vitriolic nature.

Anywho, I think you're right on the money.

Royce Ogle said...

You are so right. Not long ago I read that a large sector of our historical past did not believe in supernatural answers to prayer.

The more I thought about that the more comical it became. Any answer to prayer is supernatural or it is not an answer.


Anonymous said...

People are still writing on paper?