Wednesday, January 07, 2009


It is really showing up lately; I am falling behind in my work. I can’t figure what’s happening to me. It is now Wednesday and finally I got to the rest of Sunday’s emails. I can’t even keep up with the emails. Yesterday my day started at 6:30 a.m. and ended at 6:30 p.m. And…yesterday was my first day on blood pressure medicine. I’m medicated! It seems great things are going on either without me or in spite of me!

The good news is great things ARE going on!

Sunday I told Memorial Drive about an attorney (whom I didn't know) from another city calling me on Friday. She had been depressed and went to a psychologist for help. The counselor gave her my book, Empowering the Ordinary, and it changed her life. It changed so much she and her family are starting a new publishing company and are offering to rework/upgrade the book and promote it for free. Strange call, huh?

Too, I told the story (which is old hat to some having been here 31 years and fresh to many others who are new) in the same sermon of James MacArthur who played Dan Williams (Danno) on Hawaii 5-0. We became friends in the Denver airport 25 years ago and then he came to church here one Sunday morning. This past Sunday evening, just out of the blue, Jim emailed me. Weird.

I’ve recently finished a new manuscript for a book I’m quite excited about. My son-in-law is talking to me about going a different route from the publishing routine and developing an on-line download. As low-tech as I am, this has great possibilities.

The good news is great things ARE going on….for all of us!

My point is you. With all of this high-tech capacity, God insists that each day lasts a brief 24 hours. Do your best to keep in mind God is running the show and we are not. He knows how to get things done and how to cover the things we can’t/don’t get to. We are weak. He is not stumped!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Terry: I can relate and I am only trying to keep up with 4 kids, a husband, a business, and a life. Can't imagine the load you take on every day. That blood pressure, though, may be a flag. Be careful not to take on to much, take breaks and rest times. You won't be worth much to the kingdom if you ruin your health. I know you are driven, I like that about you, but we all have limits. You will know when you need to delegate to help you catch up. I love your enthusiasm and faithfulness. In Him, Lynn