Thursday, January 01, 2009


I dwell in Possibility---
A fairer House than Prose---
More numerous of Windows---
Superior---for Doors---

Of Chambers as the Cedars---
Impregnable of Eye---
And for an Everlasting Roof---
The Gambrels of the Sky---

Of Visitors---the Fairest---
For Occupation---This---
The spreading wide my narrow Hands---
To gather Paradise---

Emily Dickinson

May our new year find us spreading wide our little hands to gather in the grandeur of God's marvelous Promises and lavish Presence!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Follow up to an UPSIDE DOWN WORLD post from earlier this week: I'm the "anonymous" that encouraged INCREASING one's giving during these troubled times.

Here's a follow up testimony to how God works: I had just upped my own contribution to my congregation earlier this week, and submitted the new amount online to start today.

As with many companies, our benefits are getting more expensive for 2009 as well, and taxes often go up with the new year too. So I fully expected to be "out of pocket" the amount of my increased contribution, PLUS how ever much lower my net pay would be for 2009.

Today is our first pay day of 2009, and lo and NET pay was UP! Between adjustments to taxes and other line items, my net pay went guessed it...just shy of the amount of my increased contribution.

So, I'm literally out of pocket just a few bucks (say, two modest restaurant meals), but the increase to my congregation is several multiples that amount.

Please know, I share this NOT as testimony to my faithfulness, but as testimony to GOD'S faithfulness of what HE works together when we trust Him and obey Him.

I have many similar stories over the years, and all I have to say is "Wow!"

So, my encouragement is to pray about your sacrifice, and make it with an honest heart to the Lord...not to seek gain in return, but to truly honor Him. And then watch Him work. He may not bring riches in return, but the reward and His work will be evident. Trust Him.