Friday, October 17, 2008


When church leadership valiantly assailed every whimper of a false doctrine in the early to mid 20th Century, it inadvertently opened a window for a heavy fog to drift in causing the very body it was trying to spare to fall asleep. While strong voices went to great lengths to eliminate any “adding to or taking away” regarding scriptures, something strange (unnamed and unnoticed) slipped by the guards. Man became confident in himself to carry out religion. Such leadership ignorantly handed Peter’s keys back to the enemy forces. A remnant has fought its captivity ever since.

What is that unnamed and unnoticed fog? Naturalism. Some of the most vocal of yesteryear declawed the Bible by removing the Spirit of God and turned the New Testament into Newer-than-the-old Law. Apparently such began when someone concluded “the perfect has come” of First Corinthians 13 referred to “miracles have ceased”. It seems it was necessary to those making such determination that “the perfect has come” meant the arrival of the completed Bible. I believe at the very least, such a conclusion is shaky.

But the fog….the fog that began to drift was when students began to associate “miracles have ceased” with “supernatural has ceased”. God was barred at His own door. "Holy Spirit, Go Back Where You Belong" was the song before communion. Believers began to unbelieve. Since there was a disconnect with the Living God and one was urged to go by the New Law, man was now out on a huge limb with saw in tow. Everywhere this naturalistic doctrine (which possesses no odor for detection) is accepted, men and women have lost sight of the activity of God in their walk. It’s all up to them: from being good enough to be saved to producing some sort of Holy Moly fruit in the name of religious activity.

Francis Schaeffer wrote thirty-seven years ago, The supernatural does not touch the Christian only at the new birth and then at his death, or at the second coming of Christ, leaving the believer on his own in a naturalistic world during all the time in between. Nothing could be further from the biblical view. Being a biblical Christian means living in the supernatural now, not only theoretically but in practice.

We must remove the fog; not by yelling or swatting at it but by continually, persistently, passionately leading the flock to open its eyes to the activity (the direct connecting activity) of God in the very mysterious midst of our daily grind.


Tim said...
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Tim said...

amen and amen!

and the old guard are so unbelievably defensive of the fog that many seekers - folks from our fellowship - are giving up and leaving.

some are leaving God altogether, while most (I believe) are leaving our fellowship (or at least its more 'foggy' bastions) to find a group who gives a more genuine treatment to Jesus and His working - now, today, in our lives, actively.

God Bless you, TR, as you try to help lift the fog.

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly!

Anonymous said...

Always wondered about the "no miracle today" yet right there before our eyes, we watched a person being immersed and claimed he was going from death to life/kingdom of darkness to kingdom of light, etc. Washing away sins is more "miraculous" than giving sight to blind, etc. Also, kinda funny/weird/sad that we acknowledge "providence" but desiring to "call Bible things by Bible names" refrained from calling it a "miracle" when we prayed for the sick to get well--all the while knowing "providence" is not a Bible thing/name. By definition, God is always supernatural and for Him to work any other way makes Him Ungodly??? "There WAS a God who WAS alive...???" Jesus wasn't raised from the dead so He could stay in the tomb/graveyard/box--Such a Jesus is not usually invited to elders meetings, etc. Also, leads to elders being blood hounds looking for heresy instead of shepherds protecting their flock from wolves. Jesus as Living Head of the living church is a far cry from Head Emeritus!(I'm now ready to work on my sermon for Sunday, thank you very much!)

Anonymous said...

i love this! thanks for the encouragement

Anonymous said...

"Christianity is perceived as separated from real spiritual vitality and mystery. It seems like a religion of rules and standards. Surprisingly, the Christian faith today is percieved as disconnected from the supernatural world - a dimension that the vast majority of outsiders believe can be accessed and influenced. Despite outsiders' exposure TO church, few say they have experienced God THROUGH church. It has no spiritual verse, they say."

unChristian by Kinnaman & Lyons, p. 123

Stoogelover said...

I grew up with an impotent God. After all, who needs a powerful God when we can have arrogant self-righteousness instead? Our "power" was in being right on everything. How sad.

Thank you, Terry, for these powerful words of encouragement.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could count the times I heard, 'God doesn't do that today.' Maybe if we start to believe we will start to see what God does and wants to do in us. Terry thanks for your post.

Lord, forgive our unbelief!

lisa foreman