Monday, October 13, 2008


Little did she know. All she intended to do was go unnoticed and get a bucket of water. That was it. No, not her. With her luck she had to run into a guy who wanted to carry on a conversation. Didn't he know she's trying to duck in and out doing no harm to anyone? Didn't he know she's got a paper trail of bad records? Didn't he know? Yes, that's the story. She didn't know.

The woman at the well had no clue that such an innocent move as getting a bit of water at a common well would balloon into such a grand story. She was just being her. Then this guy leaps into the picture and dazzles her with new information. She runs to town, converts the entire burg, and ran off into the hillside forgetting to leave us her name!

The nameless woman still inspires humankind in every nation. She's a hero of sorts because Jesus touched her life and then he touches ours through her. Her story is ours. Oh, not some of the major details maybe; but she assumedly became useful as a soul-builder in her own right. So are we. We make a difference. Of course we were just pumping gasoline or paying for our fries or ducking into the pharmacy to pick up necessary items. All seemed so....well so everyday-ish...and we are clueless Jesus makes those innocent incidents live with a story to be continued.

Whether opening a door for a stranger or reading a magazine in the waiting room, Jesus is possibly writing a continuation of the woman at the well through you. After all, he wasn't the only one that met her there. We all have met her a hundred times over. So it is with us....constantly knitting that woman's story into our fabric of daily life. Stay alert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've wondered how many people in that city had been praying that God would help them--and in answer to their prayer, Jesus HAD to go through Samaria. With the exception of Jonah,this woman wins the soul-winning title in scripture. (Jonah=legalist; woman=immoralist; WOW, maybe God can still use us!)