Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Church building isn’t something we do. Rather it is something we stay out of the way so He can do it. We don’t do the construction as we are the construction. I remind you of Peter Scazzero’s 2003 book, The Emotionally Healthy Church. Read it….again. In this work, Scazzero reveals how our people can be set free---not superficially, but down deep.

I believe we have a portion (if not all) of members who are tickled pink to serve; yet feel they are not functioning from anything more than surface. This present world bids ferociously for our time and attention. It leaves the kingdom-of-God people tired and torn. Focus, strength, and effectiveness suffer. Religious fatigue tends to submit carnal effort.

Some can fake their Christianity for years; even decades. Yet the inner part grows increasing dim and the outer ability develops a sluggish pace. If not checked we individually become as dead vines bearing frustratingly little fruit while continuing to display our leaves for eye-pleasing effect. We have shifted from fruit-bearing accomplishment to church decor.

One of the graces I yield to see restored in the church is that of emotion. The beginning church “kept feeling” a sense of awe. We must pay heed to being in motion without the Spirit’s e-motion affording joy….and peace…and love. Jesus is building his kind of church. We will do well to be deeply involved from the inside out.


Anonymous said...

Amen :)

Liz Moore said...

"We have shifted from fruit-bearing accomplishment to church decor." That comment is scary! Something I never want to become.

Thank you as usual for causing us to reflect.

Stoogelover said...

"One of the graces I yield to see restored in the church is that of emotion."

I've championed for that for years. And for the most part our churches will embrace is so long as there is no lifting of hands, clapping of hands, or emotive utterances! :)