Monday, May 05, 2008


The routine dailiness of being human is continually met with consternation. Gas prices are soaring which causes all other goods to fly high as well. The political scene portrays a hand full willing to trade bold and possibly unmet promises for votes. That's nothing new. Racial tension is being fueled. Threat of Social Security collapse seems calculable. The legal head of government is growing faster than the working-force body. Regulatory legislation outweighs productivity and income. Could it be the body of the nation will eventually topple due to overgrowth of the administrative hormone?

What shall we do?

We must convert to Natural Spirit....the kingdom of God. We can avoid the calamities of poor management by the few or the many. We can enter into a system of clean conscience as well as clean air. While we will fulfill every expectation and demand of our national bureaucracy, we will place our total confidence in the scheme of Jesus. How do we go about it?

We act in ways that convey to the Active God we are totally dependent upon Him for our lives and our livelihood. We will betray the economists' Bear or Bull market by trusting in the invisible One which gets no attention in the Wall Street Journal nor USA Today. We will place all of our eggs in the One basket and trust Him completely with our present and our future.

Prices are going up. The ability to save is decreasing percentage point by percentage point. What am I going to do about it? I am going to do what God would confirm is a working model for success. I'm going to increase my giving. I'm going to significantly reduce my savings account and give it to the poor. I believe God is the one who runs this show and I encourage you to ponder the thrill of taking such a risk.

Thieves nor rust nor stock market crashes will take what disappears into the plate every Sunday. He promised. I believe Him. I think you do to.


Stoogelover said...

My goodness, Terry, I read your blog early this morning and I come back this afternoon to read the comments and there ain't nary a one! So I'm commenting just because every blogger should have at least a comment!!

We all get caught up in the "dailiness" of life and you've reminded us of what's eternal. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I was shocked too at the lack of comments. I can't often visit sites anymore and just have to read on Google Reader...thus no comments. But this one hits us where we live...maybe that is why there is little to say. We either trust Him or we don't!