Saturday, May 17, 2008


I’m not a fortune teller. I do see signs of concern. I think Americans are in for very difficult days ahead. The thread to come completely unraveled is in danger of being pulled.

Regarding the political scene, there is reason for distress. Highly inflated opinions are ratcheting up dangerous polarization. If only 1% of Americans are bent on uncontrollable anger, our nation could burn down should the wrong person be elected (or cheated in the election).

Economic issues prevail. The ripple effect of escalating fuel prices is destined to toss the middle class into the poor house soon and very soon. Saudi Arabia has issued a “not interested” from the President’s plea for more oil production. If we think gasoline is high, wait ‘til we receive our electric bills in August and go to by new coats in October or a gallon of milk in November.

What’s a Christian to do? Be a Christian.

God’s people turn such challenges on their ears! We don’t faint. We fly straight into the chaos with eyes wide open. Eagles use storms to fly higher. God parallels us to them. “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary ( Isa. 40:31). Life storms can send a man crashing or the same can be used to lift him to fly even higher. We choose flight over crash.

How shall we set our wings to miss the crash and be lifted up?

  1. Trust God
  2. Love right now….regardless of circumstances....put a smile on your readable face
  3. Don’t shrink in fear
  4. Increase your giving as a means of defying the intimidating winds of threat
  5. Escalate your love for your enemies and your friends
  6. Look and act like you have a God who is simply not rattled by such imposing forces
  7. Live like you have already won…..for we are alive in the kingdom today


Anonymous said...

Great post Terry. I like your what we should do list. I think you're right too. Dark days are ahead for the nation. Probably because we deserve them. The Lord will not allow humanity to ignore Him. Because He loves us. Meanwhile, the righteous shall live by faith.

Jimmy Clare said...

Thanks for the insight...Also, thank you for the post last week - Your Scriptures you gave me on the phone plus the words in the blog encouraged me greatly! Keep it up.