Tuesday, February 12, 2008


What is it about being born again that should ring our bell? It’s more than one deciding to be spiritual. It’s a lot more than choosing to be religious. Being born again is an act of God upon an individual. Lifestyles are switched from Adam’s (the first man) to Jesus’ (the second man). We were not switched “at” birth but “by” birth. Our first birth was a failure. The second one takes.

So what’s new? I ask not necessarily on the basis of quoting chapter and verse. But what is really new where we live? Oh, so much has changed. Let us count the ways:

We find a place (His kingdom) that lets weak ones get to serve in big ways.
We can trust His carrying our load when we caused the problems…we are invited to take our burdens to Him.
We can remember Gideon when making exertion which seems to go backward in effectiveness.
We transfer the heart of David into our skin when facing obstinate bullies as Goliath.
We discover Jesus redefines normal.
We can refuse to be shaken by temporary injury and insult.
We find the church truly comprising of more than duties; it is our relationships.
We can start over…..again.
We can trust Him when we can’t explain Him.
We can believe when it makes no earthly sense.
We can take our imagination to the limit and then anticipate He’ll trump it.
We can expect Him to use us for great things all the while feeling completely inadequate.
We can quickly recover from disappointment in others and self.
We can feel like a little kid with excitement even if we’ve been around a long time.

I could go on and on. We are born again! Such a rebirth changes us…..a lot! What would you add?

1 comment:

DJT said...

Contentment can be real.