Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Earlier in the week I sought your input regarding workshop speakers: basically known versus unknown. Responses were varied, of course, and focused on opposite ends of the spectrum. However, in them I think I see a possibility to what to do. Really, we are working in the kingdom as a team; you and me. Whatever we do will be just right. Your tones seem to be in sync with such an estimation. I like how we work together.

While our Memorial team works diligently on the event, we feel it belongs to the brotherhood. That's why we've listened for 32 years to input. Yes, a few have demanded we do it their way or else. Most have shared ideas with supportive expression of "if this should work, then maybe". As a result we grow together for the cause of missions and evangelism. We will do nothing but improve because our mission is to grow in Him.

Here's what occurred to me in reading your responses. I had originally planned on '09 being keynotes of less famous. However, we must consider the thousands who travel great distances at great expense who never get to hear some of these heroes but once a year....here. Yet, what do we do when we add the comments which legitimately point out so many others deserve to be heard?

Here's my plan for '09 due to what I gleaned from your comments. I'm going to do my best to put together a team of keynoters fairly well-known. But before they speak, let's create a time of testimony where ones (one per each keynote) out in the field doing the work can share with us how they are experiencing God. We'll sing! We'll collect the money! We'll pray! We'll sing! We'll have inspiring witnessing! Then we'll have the evening sermon! We'll sing! Then we'll have responses and mention every one by name who responds. Then we'll pray. Then we'll go get some rest, sorta, and back at it the next day and the next!

Here's what I think. After all these years we are just getting started. We have so much to learn and so much to improve and so much to look forward to. I am as excited each year as if I'm the new guy on the block. Kingdom life does not get old. It gets young. Your comments count. Thanks to each for allowing me the room to work with them.

What thinketh ye?


drjimwhite said...

I like it. Besides that, if it's of God, there's nothing that we can do to stop it anyway.

Anonymous said...

Terry, I like what you are thinking about. Getting creative with the keynotes would be great. I love hearing from those who are "working in the fields". It gives me more courage to be bold in my faith. Also, maybe more realistic scheduling. I always feel sorry for the 8 or 9am speakers on Thursday and Friday. Especially if you have to take kids to school, it is hard to get there much before 9 or 10 am. What about somekind of mingling breakfast and coffee fellowship time with a focus at 9am to kick things off. Speakers could make a short welcome and speakers, organizers, and attendees could encourage each other and begin the workshop that way. Just a thought. thanks for always caring, Lynn

Anonymous said...

I think I need to start squirreling away money so I can come to the workshop again. I haven't been in so long and I miss it. I like how you are thinking, asking, stretching, growing and I would love to be a part of that again.

Stoogelover said...

Can I come and speak about my suggestion to use unknown speakers?

Lee Keele said...

Praise God, Terry! The Spirit guides once again. Can't wait!