Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We are strugglers. Each finds moments of uncertainty only to be met with renewed surges of clarity and vision. The church is a continual refining process. Three steps forward and two steps back are more than just an old book title of Charles Swindoll's. It's the defining pace of kingdom effort.

We will do well to give each other all the room and all the slack we can as we surely need it from God. He calls it mercy. We need one another when we are succeeding and when we are unstable. Peter had Jesus' complete partnership when he did that walking around on top of the water thing. Jesus is here for us.

A recent note from a dear friend whom I greatly admire says: We are venturing into uncharted and uncertain waters. We are questioning the old "vision" of mega church, and finding out that there may be a better way to be Jesus to the world. I find myself in a new paradigm where "Church of Christ" as we know it doesn't seem to fit anymore. "Unchurch of Christ" seems to fit better and seems to fit better with the vision of the original "Jesus" movement. With sentiment, I miss the Old days and the old ways, yet with courage and strength of spirit I see God working in new ways that I cannot dismiss. I acknowledge that our leadership has weaknesses, but as Paul emphasized in 2 Cor 9:12, God's grace is found in weakness.

If we are growing we are likely to find ourselves in new paradigms where our friends aren't. Patient love is major for such times as these. We are moving forward; some in giant steps and others in gigantic questions. Due to the nature of Jesus we have reason to be full of exciting hope!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Terry for being transparent and sharing your heart! We are close to the same age and I find that we are at similar points in our journey with Jesus. Your daily blog is a source of encouragement to me. I forward it to many of my friends and spiritual companions. It is becoming more difficult to follow Jesus into the unknown and still be accepted in the traditional church. Thnak you!


Anonymous said...

My two cents...

I don't think we are moving away from a megachurch model at all. Honestly, some of the churches that are doing the most good in the world in reaching people for Christ, raising them to maturity, and commissioning them in ministry are large churches. I have never understood the mindset by some against large churches....to me we are asking the wrong question. We are asking if churches are getting too large, when we should be asking if anyone should be left behind!

Many churches around the world are MUCH larger than even the biggest churches here in America, having 50, 70, even 100 thousand member churches. Now that is a MEGA church.

I think the true shift in the modern church will be the epicenter of believers. We all need to be prepared for a world where the majority of believers is in Asia and Africa. Honestly...that is happening already, with many coming to Christ in China.

Whatever happens, I want to know where God is moving here in my community and in the world so I can catch the wave.

Good work, Terry, catching the wave in Tulsa.

Anonymous said...

ctpsiqwcTerry, I don't yet understand all the emotions one goes through as the Holy Spirit continues to swollow up the flesh, but I know the joyful assurance of surrender. The grace afforded each one as we seek after His heart is truly amazing as we journey. I know God understands more than I what He wants from and gives me. Truly it is a walk of loving faith.....what a blessing! Enjoy the journey Brother. You are a light to many.

Lee Keele said...

Hey Terry,

I find myself discovering the non-institutional Christian sub-culture, or the modern "Jesus Movement" as it's been aptly put. I'm personally convinced that the "emerging" church is taking over the mega church mentality, but it's definitely more "hip." Personally, I like it. But alas, my job is tied to the institution.

I'm a hippie trapped in an "establishment" body! AARGH! (lol)


Lee Keele said...

CORRECTION: What I meant to say in the previous comment post is "I am NOT convinced that the "emerging" church movement is taking over the mega church mentality." Oops.