Monday, November 26, 2007


I share this excerpt from John Eldredge that it might refresh our spirits to the continual need for God to be free to be Himself among us.....and within us.

Don't get me wrong----science has given us many wonderful advances in sanitation, medicine, transportation. But we've tried to use those methods to tame the wildness of the spiritual frontier. We take the latest marketing methods, the newest business management fad, and we apply it to ministry. The problem with modern Christianity's obsession with principles is that it removes any real conversation with God. Find the principle, apply the principle--what do you need God for? So Oswald Chambers warns us, "Never make a principle out of your experience; let God be as original with other people as he is with you."

It has been such a subtle maneuver of man to claim theological understanding and explanation of God as if he were to fit on our scales and submit to our detailed analysis. God is the Potter....still. We are the clay...still. Ours is not the job of explaining away his mystery, but to shout from both high and low our marvel at his inexplainability!


Stoogelover said...

Try and get a group of elders who are all engineers and / or corporate executives to understand this!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to include your blog in the book, The Church of Christ is Blogging (edited by myself and John Dobbs). When you get a moment, can you provide a brief bio and answer the questions--Why do you blog? and How would your describe your blog? Also, could you send me an article from your blog from this year and a link to the article/essay? With your permission, I'll print it in the book. Send submission to


Anonymous said...

What a huge statement of the church. We have "programmed" ourselves out of business.....God's business. We have taken the beauty, grace, power and control of the Holy Spirit and cast it outside of our closed envelope.......all in the name of religion. I pray that soon the church truly understands the marvelous mystery of the Trinity and surrenders to the wonderful life God has planned for the bride of Jesus. Father, forgives us for our thinking we know better than you.........You truly are an Awesome God!.


Anonymous said...

Terry--Love the quote by Oswald Chambers. Very, very true.