Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Our communities are awakening each day with hopes of seeing the Sonrise. Such is an integral part of who we are in Him. We are called to break through blanketing, even blinding, darkness which shuts good people down. As we begin to move Jesus about (in our bodies) throughout our early morning coffee shops and workspaces, will the patrons notice the Sonrise in you? Such is our purpose.

Yes, it is you and me who today have picked up his baton and stride with love and peace and joy as Jesus spills over from us into others. We are ones most privileged to encounter an irate customer or a depressed colleague. We are the ones called to strengthen the weak-kneed and the insecure. Yes when the Son rises, paralytics of all sorts shed bemoaning ailments and seem to have gained a new and vibrant bounce in their step.

Our communities share in an area-wide ache which pulls determination down and drains the once highly-intended goals of making a difference while on earth. We must let the Son rise. We must rebel the best way we know how that our friends and neighbors should get to experience the mystery of the living God. We must be their Sonrise.....now!

Henri Nouwen wrote, The revolutionary believes that the situation is not irreversible and that a total reorientation of mankind is just as possible as is a total self-destruction. He does not think his goal will be reached in a few years or even in a few generations, but he bases his commitment on the conviction that it is better to give your life than to take it, and that the value of your actions does not depend on their immediate results. He lives by the vision of a new world and refuses to be sidetracked by trivial ambitions of the moment. Thus he transcends his present condition and moves from a passive fatalism to a radical activism.

Do your part to see that the Son rises in your town. Dispel the darkness of sour grapes and dull apathy. We are talking about very good people. We must do our part to give 'em heaven!

1 comment:

Lee Keele said...

Hey Terry,

Your blog today was so good, I sent it to my Local Missions Ministry Team! Thanks bro!
