Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I spent five days last week in Jupiter, Florida at the St. Louis Cardinals Spring Training complex attending my annual Legends Camp. We play ball each day and listen to the old-timers rehearse their legendary lore of their playing days.

Lou Brock told how the Cardinals constantly studied the opposition to gain some slight advantage. The Cardinals knew picther Don Sutton of the Dodgers was obsessed with keeping his uniform clean so Lou would begin the game as lead-off hitter by approaching the plate, picking up dirt and rubbing it in his hands, making sure Sutton saw him do it. Then Lou would bunt, run down the base line and as Sutton covered first base, Lou would swipe his dirty hands on Suttons clean uniform the very first inning.

They told how they study the catcher as well as the pitcher. They know if there is a certain pitch the catcher has trouble hitting, he will call for that pitch in a tough setting believing the batter to have the same weakness he has.

What's the weakness you study in a non-believer that gives you kingdom advantage to draw them into His fold? These ball players knew something about their opponent. I know something about every person who opposes (or is at least indifferent to)the name of Jesus. Every one of them has traits of insecurity and, too, a real need for purpose. Whether celebrity or homeless, I know these traits are present and I work from there with everyone I meet. That's why my life is marked by encouragement. Every range of social class is plagued by the same disorder: each is battled discouragement over some circumstance or person.

Knowing the players on our field advantages us for the transfer of the good news. It lets me in through an otherwise closed door.

BTW...for those Cub fans out there...Whitey Herzog believes this is their year. And I say, "Hey, all of us can make room for the Cubs once a century." Don't you agree?


Shawn said...

You are killing...I was going to say that was a great blog, right up until the last line. Go Cubs. The thought of "this is their year" I think that I have heard that a couple of times.....we'll see.

Great post my brother. I had never thought about outreach that way. Thank you. How is the knee?

Shawn said...

I meant to tyoe....you're killing ME!!

Anonymous said...


What a great post! I just finished preaching a series about engaging our culture. In one of the sermons we discussed our need to understand our culture so that we can effectively minister to their needs and get the Gospel message to them.
Go Braves!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back. You were missed! Encouraging others is such an important part of life. Sometimes just a smile of encouragement is all someone needs at the moment and can open the doorway to conversation. Great Post, from a great encourager!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, slugger.

Anonymous said...

Real Cub fans don't read Cardinal blogs