Sunday, November 05, 2006


Faith Under Fire

We are living a time of significant opportunity to display our faith. Persecution has passed our way in rare and intermitent dribbles. Some get written up for not walking the perceived party line. Others are eliminated from the speakers' bureau because their presentations offend. Such persecution is simply anemic.

Take a look at under the topic of "The Threat of Radical Islam". We are squarely facing the rumors America faced when Hitler and his were doing there thing....over there. Persecution is on it's way as a thunderous and bellowing storm. We will no longer watch war on TV. We will be in it. We are in it.

We must bury our people in Jesus ahead of time. Cute programs for adorable children and adventurous outings for church adults won't cut it. We must develop within our churches the mindset of confessing Jesus as Lord when under severe fire. The resurrection of Jesus is the conquering hope.

Up 'til now we have lived in the ease of biting and devouring one another in the name of "Truth". We've sounded big...but we aren't. Now, the stakes are escalating. We are headed for confrontation as to whether we will testify in the presence of our enemies that Jesus is our King.

We are poised for blessing. Our future will find absolute opportunity to possess faith with a purpose. We belong to Him and there will be no turning back!


Larry Wishard said...

So glad you mentioned staying on mission instead of biting and devouring each other.

Today I baptized a 38 year old guy who grew up going to church, but only recently learned that salvation is by forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. He was very happy and so are we.

Larry Wishard

Darin L. Hamm said...


Thanks for the call to arms. I needed that.

Darin L. Hamm said...

I would be interested in hearing any messages you have preached on this.
