Monday, March 13, 2023


Learning to walk the trek of Jesus is not a Sunday morning handyism. Rather, it is likely one of the most challenging assignments coming from Father above. We are to....
We are to hate the sin and love the sinner. This is a most fundamental call of Father to any who determine to follow Him. Hate another's sin; but love them dearly. Only Jesus could demonstrate such a wild call.
It is upon this biblical calling that we will often find to be so challenging. If not very careful, we will dismiss it completely. And why? It's easy to love any sinner whom we really love. But it's just as easy to fail to offer the same flow of the Spirit toward the one(s) that we, frankly, just don't like.
To overcome this selective favoritism is to make a major breakthrough for the Kingdom of God purposes as one walks the daily road. Our likes and dislikes must not be moody. We are to always dislike the sin...and to always love the sinner.
Clearly we are able to practice this...but often it's only with those whom we love. And such an inconsistent "practice" is telling. It is telling us that we have much work to do; faith work to believe in one another especially when the "another" is off the spiritual course.
We all find ourselves strolling in both and then the other and back again. May we develop a living faith that truly detests the sin while, simultaneously loves the sinner. This is the calling, the very challenging calling, of Jesus the Lamb who died upon the Cross to demonstrate just how extreme faith is to look.
May. We. Carry. Our. Crosses. Daily.

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