Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Urrggh!  People!  Ever feel frustrated with "them"?  And, why is that?  Because they are stupid, sinful, dopes, or just plain annoying?  Could be.  But, I wish to bend your justifiable (?) irritation toward a correcting possibility.

I experience incredible frustration with people.  I have for years...well, decades.  Yet, it's not from a thread of criticism.  No.  Mine is due to the truth that everyone is more amazing than they believe.  However, too many live in a much lesser life than has been the plan all along.

Our prisons are full of wonderful individuals who possibly never got the reinforcement as to their deep and personal wonder.  But it's not just prisoners.  Far too many are reporting to work today as boss or supervisor or employee with the feeling of drudgery; a feeling that they aren't all that important.

My great frustration with people is not in blame nor is it in any form of criticism.  Mine is a matter against me....I don't know how to reverse their insecurities and senses of sheer inadequacies.  My great frustration is that these wonderful individuals have bought into a lie somewhere along the way that they don't count.  The result is a lifestyle of just getting by.

My hope for people is that each can move past the past.  Those who have hurt you, injured you, neglected you?  So have you to others.  Our hopes are strong and embedded within the same dimension; believing that the resurrection power of God can lift us into a steady walk of happiness, productivity, and beautiful difference-making! 

We are limited, never by another person, only by our broken ability to focus on the wonder of now.  Egotism is not our destiny so don't go there.  Confidence is.  Jesus is our confidence.  Mine (and yours) alone without Him is destined to repeated misery warmed over. 

So in our frustration, may we become a determined lot to build others; not tear down, lift others; not sink, and cheer others; not discourage.  We all need this...every...day.  Go.  For.  It.

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