Would you perhaps be in need of refocus? Is there a slight chance that you have slipped into a commatic motion of going through yours days--day in and day out--operating more from habit than adventure? Are you noticing that life doesn't seem to have much creativity within its fold? Are you about routined out?
I'm wishing to speak to those who have hit a point in life--maybe a rut--where you eat, drink, sleep, and function more like a human robot than a pioneer forging the new in every day. Are you thinking? Are you believing? Or, are you mostly repeating the programmed format that you have allowed to overtake you? Maybe your schedule has grown up like brush in the woods and you didn't realize the smothering negative growth.
You are not a lamp post that stands while the world passes by. Neither are you an aging individual good for collecting dust and gathering cobwebs. You are to possess an energy-pack from the Spirit of God! You...yes you...are to be thrilled, and wowed, and astonished at the opportunities God affords you!
Read your Bible. No, I mean really read it. Which story begins with a common basis that ends with a "You gotta be kidding me!"? Read your Bible. Were there two such impossible stories? Five? Fifty? Oh...it is crammed full of such...happening to very down-to-earth individuals....sorta as yourself?
Quit living in the distracting fury of the moment. Awaken to the blessed glory instead. Learn. Learn to speak about life in transformative language. Don't just see the positive. See the absolute wonder. Talk of the grand possibilities. Note the potential buried beneath the struggle and the hope embedded within the darkness. If God is consistent about one thing it is that He is the Author of BREAKTHROUGH!!!
Our God did not bring us on board to live out some sort of spiritual minimum wage. He did not hand us a church life to restrict nor punish us; but to thrill us, to maximize our amazing existence. We are called to be related to God; the absolutely astonishing True One! If so, THEN LET'S LIVE IT!!!
Me? I get pretty bummed sometimes. And then someone dear to my heart reminds me of the things of God...the very things I've taught for years...but even I find the Robber has momentarily stolen my joy. I need that to happen to me...so that I can know where you possibly hurt. See? Even rugged days bear fruit for/of good when we continue to learn of the absolutely astonishing God!!!
Jesus beat the grave so that the deadening things of the world could not hold us for very long either!!!
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